Along with being a primary school teacher and leader, blogging is where this all started for Aidan. If it wasn't for his passion for writing and sharing his learning and experiences, he wouldn't be working as an education consultant with schools across the country today. Shared best practice should be available to all and here on the Aidan Severs Consulting blog you can get ideas for making a difference in your own school. The blog is also a great place to learn exactly the kind of work that Aidan can partner with your school on.
Case Study: Revolutionising Curriculum Delivery in KS2
Featured Article: 8 Classroom Routines for Teachers to Nail Before Half-Term
Why Should Teachers Complete Tasks Before Pupils Do?
The 4 Ps Of The Design & Technology Curriculum
Backwards Planning: What I Got Wrong
Featured Article: Interleaving: What Is It And How Can It Improve Memory And Learning In The Maths Classroom?
SEND Provision Across The Curriculum: Start and End Points
Provision for Pupils with SEND = Provision for All?
Featured Article: How To Teach Non-Chronological Report Writing
Scaffolding: Who Should It Really Support? Children or Teachers?
S1 E4: Contextualising Curriculum, Implementation & Teaching Primary History with Vinay Verma
10 Things I Learned About Teaching As A Lazy NQT
Learning To Fall: Learning To Succeed
Simple Teaching
What Should You Do To Get Your New Classroom Ready?
The Right(est) Way Of Teaching Spelling (Part 5)
Becoming An Expert Teacher
Thoughtful Questioning: Why Cold Call Is Not Enough
Beware The Reverse-Engineered Curriculum (or The Potential Pitfalls Of Retrieval Practice)
What Should Adults Be Doing When Children Are Working?