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How To Teach Spelling In Primary Schools

How To Teach Spelling In Primary Schools - Aidan Severs Consulting Education Consultant

A couple of years ago I worked with a primary school to help them develop their teaching of spelling. The process of preparing and developing the training course (1 CPD session per half term) resulted in this series of blog posts which I've gathered here for ease of reference.

The first blog post focuses on how spelling should be taught explicitly, particularly by examining spelling patterns:

The second blog post looks at just what makes English spelling so difficult and highlights the old 'Support for Spelling' document:

How To Teach Spelling In Primary Schools - Aidan Severs Consulting Education Consultant

In the third blog post, the focus is on how to give children feedback when teaching spelling:

The fourth blog post goes into detail about how we learn spellings and how we should teach as a result:

The final blog post in the series provides some real practical advice about the kinds of activities that can be used in spelling lessons:

Looking in my blog drafts folder I actually have another, final blog post to finish off at some point!

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