Please note: the relevant texts to go with this resource are available as a free, separate download. Don't forget to add them to your cart too!
I’ve done some analysis of text length, difficulty, question type, percentage of content domain coverage etc and am producing some practice material for year 6 children in the lead up to the SATS.
One of the main reasons for this is to practice test technique (by familiarising children with test-type questions and presentation) but also to practise/build the concentration, perseverance and determination that is needed to read long texts and answer lots of questions about them.
The idea is that two sets of questions (one fiction, one non-fiction) are answered back to back in a 40-45 minute period to improve children’s stamina.
All texts contain a link to where I found them on the internet (mostly Nat Geo Kids and LoveReading4Kids) and some analysis of reading difficulty and word count.
Created using the templates I made based on the 2019 reading test.
My suggested order of use:
All About The Circular Economy + Louisiana’s Way Home = 814 + 803 = 1617 wordsDr Jane Goodall Interview + The City of Secret Rivers = 789 + 789 = 1578 wordsWhat is a Bushfire? + Floodworld = 657 + 896 = 1553 wordsTutankhamun + The Girl Who Fell From The Sky = 649 + 908 = 1557 words
Texts for Booklet 2 can be downloaded for free here:
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£6.74Sale Price
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